Thursday, July 22, 2010

Glenn Beck may loose his eyes :(

Glenn Beck has serious eye disease

Fox News pundit Glenn Beck has revealed that he is suffering from macular dystrophy and could lose his sight.

CBS News reports that Beck, 46, told a Salt Lake City crowd on Saturday that "A couple of weeks ago I went to the doctor because of my eyes, I can't focus my eyes. He did all kinds of tests and he said, 'You have macular dystrophy could go blind in the next year. Or, you might not.'"

Glenn_Beck_1.JPGMacular dystrophy is a genetic eye disorder that can cause progressive vision loss, especially in the center part of the eye.

On his show Monday, Beck talked about possibly losing his vision.

"I don't know what tomorrow will bring ... c'est la vie. And that is the way I feel about it," Beck said. "I don't own my life, and I certainly don't own my eyes. If that's the price of admission, I'm grateful that I had them — I don't want to lose them — but I'm grateful that I had them."

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