Wednesday, July 21, 2010

maybe there is something to this "fake BP oil spill" stuff

BP Photoshopped Images of the "HIVE" Command Center - AFTER

Can you tell what’s wrong with this picture? BP has been caught posting fake underwater surveillance pics of the leaky oil well in the Gulf of Mexico. Pop it for proof that the public is being lied to.

BP is playing games with the public…the official website has posted pictures of their round-the-clock surveillance of the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. The pictures are supposedly of three dedicated staff members watching several screens with different vantage points of the leaky well. Unfortunately for them, a blogger with a keen eye noticed a crappy photoshopping job and 10-year-old time stamps. BP changed the screen displays to hide the fact that the three men weren’t looking at anything on at least 3 of the display screens.

For the last four days, the topmost photograph in this graphic has been on BP’s official website with the caption “HIVE at Houston Command Center July 16, 2010.” The only problem? The bottom photo actually shows the Command Center.

BP is very concerned with this whole situation in the Gulf of Mexico. To demonstrate how concerned they are, they’ve set up a nice little photo gallery on their official website called “Response in pictures.” Here is one of the pictures of the Houston Command Center. It was on the site until this evening.

BP Photoshopped Images of the Hive - AFTER

What a terrific picture of three dedicated BP employees/bros, checking out the oil spill and looking out for our safety! NOT. Zoom in on the head of the center figure and you can see the crappy masking job.

BP Photoshopped Image Close-Up

Does that really look so much different that the Photoshopping was necessary? Were they so afraid of the withering comments of bloggers noticing three blank screens that they thought they should paste in three duplicate images?

The blogger also noticed that the metadata on the command center photograph has a timestamp of March 6, 2001—which could either mean that the camera wasn’t set properly, or that BP is trying to fob off a picture from 2001 as one from last weekend.

Photoshop has been enabling ugly ho*s and corrupt corporations all year. Now why would BP be looking at pictures from March 6, 2001? And if they weren’t, why would such a high-tech group of experts tolerate the display of a timestamp that’s 10 years old? BP gets the spooky side-eye for this.

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