Wednesday, August 4, 2010

No Wedding for Bristol Palin

Bristol, Levi & Trigg
The wedding is officially off! Bristol Palin is tired of Levi’s bum azz. First he posed in playboy, then he reportedly knocked up some chick named Laneisha and now, according to her, she has only talked to him once in 3 weeks.

Bristol Palin is ready to drop that zero. She recently admitted that she was “naive” to give the father of her son a second chance and he is too obsessed with fame to get married.

All of this drama is following shortly behind a well publicized engagement, complete with Levi telling anybody who would listen about his plans to be a good husband and father. Apparently, he lied and is still up to his old antics.

Bristol is reportedly devastated over her cancelled wedding plans. She told RadarOnline, “I see that Levi’s people equate me with a Bridezilla. This is not about me,” she added. “This was about doing what was best for Tripp and making us a family.”

Well Bristol… (sigh) Happens to the best of us. Just keep it pushin’

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