Friday, June 25, 2010

Bitches are retarded lol.

Baby Smoking Bong

According to the British news outlet Sky News, the mother, a 19-year-old and from Keystone Heights, Florida, is defended posting the photo by claiming it was only a joke. Florida Department of Children and Families spokesperson John Harrell told Sky News, “We are alarmed that any parent would take pictures of their child next to what is obviously drug paraphernalia.”

The mother spoke to Sky News via Facebook and stated, “If u look at the picture u can see that there is no bowl in the TABACCO (sic) pipe. And i took a pic to show one (expletive) person and it was a mistake. I would never ever ever let him get high.” Now that the investigation has been ordered, the mother sent a second message to the news agency, stating that those concerned about the welfare of her baby were acting ‘stupid.’

She wrote, “Do you realize how serious this is? i can go to jail and he can be taken away from me. WHY would you do something so (expletive) stupid? i know what i did was stupid but i would NEVER put by baby in harm. im (sic) so nice to everyone idk (I don’t know) why you would do this to me.” The mother is expected to take a drug test Friday and the baby will be examined by doctors. If she is found to have drugs in her system, she could face charges,and more than likely, the baby would be removed from the home.

Child welfare workers confirmed to Sky News that they have made two prior visits to the home.

Wow. Sounds like they need to take that baby, and get this young girl some guidance.

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