Tuesday, May 4, 2010



  1. yea, so; is this your way of following politics??? one sided? just Bill O? He actually is a very smart man. His taste in music may suck but thats why he's in polotics.

    What about Obama who is destroying our country and basically turning this country back into a neo-nazi era. Destroying our health care and telling us who we can go to. Even now trying to decide who can bare children or not??? This is supposed to be the land of the free, not the land of the socialist. look into that
    and yes, fuck bill o

  2. he may be smart but he's also a fucking creepy dude. do a little more research. listen to the sexually harassing voicemails he left for a female employee. I personally think he's a biggot and an idiot. but yeah. fuck obama too. my motto is fuck them all.


  3. this is matt... i like oreilly... but i also like glen beck... but lets be real... they do what the republican party says and who pays them the most... these men make in excess of $50 mil anually... they are NOT looking out for YOU. As a libertarian i only agree with maybe 65% of what they say... the rest is pure hypocrisy.
