Friday, May 14, 2010


So I just wanted to update any of my friends who may be reading this blog on my mom's situation. As many of you may know she was diagnosed with cancer two weeks before thanksgiving. It's a very aggresive form of throat cancer(FUCK CIGARETTES). So on March 4th she was admitted into Shands hospital in Jacksonville to undergo a 12 hour surgery. During this surgery they had to remove a tumor in her throat which they discovered was also surrounding her larynix(voice box) so they also had to remove the larynix and put in a permanent tracheotomy. For those of you who do not know what a tracheotomy is it is a hole in your throat that is your new PERMANENT airway. My mom will NEVER talk again. I will NEVER hear her beautiful voice again. This is all thanks to big tobacco and their money making suicidal product. Also during this surgery they had to remove her esophagus and remove a strip of muscle from her thigh to rebuild a new one. This part of the surgery didnt go so well so my mom has been feeding through a tube in her stomach for two months. All she can have is ensure and glucerna. We are waiting on the next surgery to fix the hole in the new esophagus so she can learn to eat again one day with out her food coming out of the hole in her throat. Sorry to be so graphic but I just have to let my friends who still STUPIDLY,IDIOTICALLY,AND SUICIDALLY endulge in cigarettes know what they are very likely to be in for in the future. My mom is only 44 years old. Her life will never be the same and neither will mine. You see it not only affects her but EVERYONE who loves her as well. I have a 9 year old little brother who will not get to hear his mom sing to him or even yell at him ever again like i got to growing up. After this next surgery heals she also has to go through 3 months of extensive chemo and radiation due to how aggressive this cancer is. She will be very sick she WILL lose all her hair. Keep in mind ALL of this is just so she has a CHANCE to survive. I really dont know what else to say. IF YOU SMOKE CIGARETTES OR KNOW SOMEONE WHO DOES JUST PLEASE KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO NOT ONLY YOURSELF BUT YOUR CHILDREN AND EVERYONE WHO LOVES YOU. I personally have never even tried a cigarette and am greatful for that. FUCK CIGARETTES AND FUCK BIG TOBACCO. We can't smoke weed legally but we can drink and drive and kill someone and we can buy a substance at EVERY gas station in america that IS GOING TO KILL YOU ONE DAY IF YOU ENDULGE. That's all i gotta say. I'm out.



  1. damn bruh... i copied this and ima paste it to all my friends in my facebook who i know smoke... including my mom... she smokes and she is turnin 41... sucks dog.

  2. Thanks for the well wishes. It's tough but it's life. Change starts with the person. Hopefully I've helped inspire someone to change and in turn possibly saved someone's life.


  3. much love to all of you
