Friday, May 7, 2010

Nobody's Sports Update. Jamarcus Cut. USC/BUCS Mike Williams Interview/ LT a rapist?/ Magic Win!/ Bucs Rookies.

Jamarcus Russel is cut...Here's a pic of him walking away 39 million dollars richer :)

Should LT and Oj Simpson be taken out of the hall of fame?


Your boy Nobody doesnt follow baseball too much but i do know that this boy Pete Rose is not aloud in the hall of why is OJ still in the football hall of fame??? after LT first admited to doing drugs and crazy shit WHILE he aloud in the football hall of fame.....and of course now that Lawrence Taylor is being accused of sleeping with a 16 year iold runaway that was forced into sex slavery... will he FINALLY be taken out of the hall of fame???? oh... FUCK THE GIANTS! GO BUCS!... lol... what are yalls opinions??? please reply!
" which brings me to my next point..... DONT SMOKE CRACK!!!"- Lawrence Taylor in Waterboy

2010 buccaneers rookies!!! Sorry Jags Fans (McDave) our future looks a little brighter!

4th round pick Mike Williams Interview! would have gone much much higher if he hadnt stop playing for Syracuse in the middle of the season. PURE TALENT!!!

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers selected Syracuse wide receiver Mike Williams in the fourth round of the NFL Draft in what most people call a risk-reward move. Had it not been for the self- inflicted wounds some say that Williams could have gone in the first round, but teams were too scared to select him that high because of his off-the-field issues. Williams was suspended as a junior in ‘08 for allegedly cheating on a test. He played in only seven games last year but didn’t finish the season because, depending on which side you are talking to, he either quit or he was dismissed from the team for violating curfew after getting into a car accident. According to Williams, he said that he was dismissed from the team because of a “miscommunication” issue after, out of frustration, walking out of head coach Doug Marine’s office. It sounds to me like he is a little immature and has a lot of growing up to do before the ‘quitter’ label is dropped. In order for an NFL team to assume the risk of a player with a ton of baggage, the player must have enough talent or value and that is exactly what the Buccaneers see in him.

Mike Williams joined WDAE in Tampa Bay to talk about what fans should expect from him on the field, the incident that went down at Syracuse, and how tough it was to talk to NFL teams and them asking about being a quitter.

His thoughts on his first day of mini-camp and whether it was what he thought it would be:

“It was great. They say that it is a job interview by you going out there and presenting yourself to the coaches in your first mini-camp and I think I went out there and put my best foot forward and let them guys know what I can bring to the team.”

What fans should expect from him on the field:

“Oh man I am going to be the same person. Be the same Mike Williams, the same guy that they have seen on the field playing, the same guy they have seen going up for them balls, the same guy that catches everything. That is what I can inform the fans they are going to see.”

What his thoughts and emotions were going through the draft and up until mini-camp:

“Oh man it was a long process. Crazy. The Combine. The whole going on all of the visits all the way up to the draft. The draft was long, like you said it took all the way to the last day to get drafted. I am blessed to be playing for Tampa Bay.”

On the incident that went down at Syracuse:

“Oh yeah, the misconception was that I quit. It wasn’t a quit; it was just a misunderstanding with me and the coach. I got into a car accident that night and I got suspended. The mistake I made was walking out of his office out of frustration. I didn’t quit at all. I never was a quitter. If I would have quit and got suspended because of my grades I would have left school then. I had the opportunity to do that then, but people know that I am not a quitter. That was just a misunderstanding with everybody. Everybody saying that I quit and left the team but really I got into a car accident and got suspended.”

How tough it was to talk to NFL teams and them asking about being a quitter:

“Oh yeah it is very troubling. Everybody that knows me and knows what type of person I am they know that I am a good person. Like I have been telling people, I made three mistakes in my life. Not handing in a paper, getting in a car accident and getting suspended because of my grades and it was my three mistakes. If you say that I am a bad person because of those three mistakes I guess there is a lot worse people than me. It was hard going through that process and I am just glad that it is over.”

Interview transcribed by Tim Gunter of Sports Radio
Source: Sports Radio Interviews

NOBODY THOUGHTS: I saw Mike Wiliams play against USF at Raymond James Stadium in person... he did us in...he obviously has the feel for our stadium and has been seen in person numerous time by our coaching staff... i seriously would not be surprised if he got offensive rookie of the year due to the fact he and Benn will both be starters as rookies... I cant wait!!!
My teams rookie wide receivers head can hit the rim! what can yours do???? :)

Luke Mccown to start over gerrard in jacksonville?

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- I talked on and off the record with high-ranking people here, and none of them were trying to get any message about Luke McCown out to me.

Jack Del Rio said while there is competition everywhere, it's safe to presume certain guys will be in the lineup, that Maurice Jones-Drew will be the tailback, that David Garrard will be the quarterback.

Nevertheless, the sideline buzz through five minicamp practices has been very much about how smooth, confident and accurate McCown looked, and how it contrasts with the still spotty David Garrard.

Working with his back to his own goal line, Garrard had a terrible throw batted down at the line and grabbed out of the air by Scott Starks who scored with it. Soon after, the quarterback led his intended receiver too much, overcompensating for the earlier mistake, I thought.

Can the hard-working McCown press Garrard?

I don’t know. I do know that Garrard’s thought about it, because earlier this offseason he discussed a scenario where McCown could be to him what he was to Byron Leftwich in 2007 -- a guy who makes the team’s officials change course at quarterback.

This is going to be a run-driven, defense driven team.

Gene Smith is building from the inside out and will have a solid framework in place for 2011, when the draft -- held with or without a lockout -- is expected to be loaded with quarterback talent.

Garrard or McCown could have a phenomenal year and I still expect Jacksonville to be getting itself a quarterback in a year.

I have trouble imagining Garrard is not the starter in the opener against Denver. But I could see McCown getting a shot if things go poorly along the way.

All the while, Gene Smith’s scouts will be watching the college crop of QBs more closely than ever.

Orlando Gets to Host the 2012 All Star Game in our brand new Events Center!!!!!!!!!

Dwight Howard Comments on the big win in Game 1... We also won in Game 2.... but give the guy a break... he is focused man!!!

May 5th, 2010
Heyyyyyy woorrrrrlllldddd!!!

Really good win for us last night!!! Hope that clears up some of the doubts about whether or not we’d be rusty for the first round from all of the time off. We’re a team that’s focused on winning a championship and we’re not overlooking anybody or taking anything lightly.

All we have done is win one game. We know that A-T-L has a great squad and they will come out and respond in Game 2, so we’ll have to be ready. We have to play again with the same fire and intensity to beat them.

I like how when we get a team down now, we put the hammer down and keep pushing. That’s how that lead got to as much as 46 points last night. It was crazy, ya’ll!!! We kept on pushing and fighting and playing for 48 minutes. In the past we’d let up at times and teams would come back on us, but I think we’ve learned our lesson.

Game 1 Highlights

Game 2 Highlights

Local atlanta rapper fires back at my man vince carter... guess he didnt want anyone to Dwight Howard him!??? where they do this at??? LOL

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