Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fucking Prison Guard Groupies

Quit lying bitch. You know you wanted an autugraph for your kid.

Prison Guard Fired For Spying On Lil Wayne
A former guard at New York’s Rikers Island jail is threatening to sue prison bosses after she was fired for allegedly spying on the facility’s most famous inmate -
Lil Wayne.
Amelia Negron was dismissed from her position at the institution last month after she was accused of wandering into the unit where the star is being held, without proper authorization.
Negron admits she did go into the unit, but denies she was there to see the rapper - who is serving a year-long sentence on gun possession charges - insisting she wanted to speak to a colleague. The 33 year old is adamant the charges against her aren’t true - and she’s consulting lawyers over plans to file
suit against her former bosses at the prison.
She tells the New York Daily News, "I don’t even like rap. I like rock and
alternative music and didn’t know much about him when they said I tried to see him. None of it’s true. The door to the area was unlocked, and so I went in to say hello, and that officer said, ’Hey, you can’t be here. We’ve got a celeb here.’ I said, ’Okay, no problem,’ turned around and left. (I) did nothing wrong, but (I was) threatened with criminal charges, transfers, suspensions."
A spokesman for the Correction Department claims Negron’s dismissal was "entirely appropriate".

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