Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Shitty Cops of the Day. It's Dave bitchez.

So I was brainstorming and was gonna do a shitty cop of the week post but then i realized this shit happens on a daily basis so I'm gonna do my best to keep this up daily but definitely more than weekly. In the great but simple words of NWA "Fuck the Police"

A Philadelphia Pennsylvania police officer was charged with murder for fatally shooting his unarmed brother-in-law and injuring two unrelated innocent bystanders. He apparently opened fire after a dispute over his current girlfriend being splashed by his estranged wife’s family while they were squirting each other in the hot weather.

A Gastonia North Carolina police officer is the subject of a lawsuit filed by the mother of a man who was fatally shot in the back of the head by that officer who was falsely told that the man had been seen stabbing someone when, in fact, the man was a stabbing victim instead. The officer claimed that he fired at the man because he turned around while running away and the officer was afraid he was going to attack him. The shooting was declared justified by an internal investigation, even though the man was hit in the back of the head from about 30 feet away.

A Pittsburgh Pennsylvania police officer was arrested on numerous charges including aggravated assault, unlawful restraint, and reckless endangerment after losing his shit on a motorist who accidentally sideswiped him in a minor fender-bender. The officer allegedly beat the crap out of his car, smashed his windows, then began to choke him. The victim tried to escape but the officer chased him down and then beat up his car some more then threatened him with a gun. Officer Roadrage apparently had a long list of anger issues as a cop including being sentenced to anger management after a domestic violence incident where he beat his wife and then choked his 17-year-old son in an argument over a cell phone and an incident where he bitch-slapped a fellow officer. Please don’t ask me how he’s remained a cop all these years, ask his union and the chief.

The Prince George’s County Maryland police department is the subject of a second federal investigation into allegations of excessive force used by riot cops who already made headlines in the videotaped beating of another student. This time a student was allegedly assaulted and knocked out for asking a cop a question at a restaurant and wasn’t even involved in the mass celebration outside.

An Atlanta Georgia police officer was arrested after a two-week long investigation on several charges that include sexual battery, child enticement, violation of oath, and child molestation. The department is refusing to disclose any other information about the case but did say that they’ve suspended the officer without pay.

Kern County California deputy is accused of repeatedly refusing to allow a woman to receive a rape examination at a hospital by telling her so in a public waiting room. The alleged reason behind the refusal was that the deputy thought she was making it up to protect her 16-year-old son who was arrested for allegedly stabbing the alleged rapist. Way to be judge and jury there, officer.

A police officer from an unspecific North Carolina law enforcement agency is suspected of attempted sexual assault. Fayetteville NC police have released his name and believed that he was a police impersonator who pulled over a woman and then attempted to rape her after flashing his badge and identifying himself as a cop. But then it turned out he was really a cop and now nobody wants to say anything about the case since, well, they didn’t think he deserved any privacy until they found out he was really a cop.

A Warren Township Ohio police officer is on leave after a protection order was filed against him that took away his right to possess a firearm. The order was filed by his girlfriend after a domestic dispute ended with him breaking out the windows of her car with a rock.

Two rambunctious New Orleans Louisiana police officers were suspended, one of which was arrested for criminal damaging after they pelted people on the ground with foodstuffs from a 10th floor apartment and, when one sought cover in his car, busted the back window with a full bottle. Way to be professional there kids.

Two San Luis Obispo California police officers were sentenced to probation after pleading guilty to transporting mislabled prescription medications through the Mexican border. Oddly, it wasn’t really mentioned just what those medications were.

A Shinnston West Virginia police officer who was also part of a special county-wide “street crimes and drug unit” was arrested for attempting to pass off a counterfeit $100 bill that he apparently got from a case he was involved in.

Two Calvert County Maryland deputies were disciplined after an investigation into a county computer network outage revealed several emails from the pair with porn photo attachments and maybe a few videos too. While the article didn’t specify if this was the cause of the outage, one would imagine it’s a possibility of the IT staff was digging through the email system in their search for the cause and we’ve seen stories of entire police department networks being taken down by malware due to cops surfing porn on the job. Hope those IT support guys wore gloves when checking out those computers.

A Carteret County North Carolina sheriff plead guilty for embezzling federal funds that were intended for undercover drug operations and one of his deputies also plead guilty to misprison of a felony for covering for the sheriff when he knew what was going on.

A Clyde Ohio police officer was temporarily transferred to be utility worker until his drivers license is reinstated after he refusing to take a breath test when he was stopped on suspicion of DUI.

A Fond Du Lac Wisconsin police officer has been placed on leave while he’s under investigated for allegedly being inside a car driven by an off-duty cop now suspected of driving while drunk at the time when he wrecked his car and then fled the scene.

A Fayette County Ohio deputy that I just mentioned yesterday has plead guilty to stealing nearly $30,000 in seized suspected drug money from the sheriff’s department storage area.

In Florida a law that forbid the publication of a police officer’s address or personal information was struck down by a federal judge as being unconstitutional in a case where a person was charged for doing just that on the RateMyCop website. While this will go into our database for policy tracking purposes, it doesn’t count in the statistics.

A Newark New Jersey police officer was indicted on allegations of excessive force over a videotaped arrest where the officer punched a 15-year-old boy and then threw him to the ground while questioning him at an apartment complex.

New Orleans Louisiana police officer was suspended without pay after he was arrested for driving his police cruiser while he was drunk. Unfortunately the article didn’t specify whether he was on duty or not at the time of the arrest.

Two Grand Traverse County Michigan deputies have plead guilty to neglect of duty charges for failing to test a Traverse City police officer for alcohol use after his truck got stuck after hit a tree and then caught fire while he was gunning the engine trying to get away. The deputies tried to blame the accident on “black ice” but residents insisted the road was clear and the officer appeared drunk.

A Jefferson County Tennessee sheriff is the subject of a lawsuit for failing to return firearms to a man cleared of charges against him and a chief deputy is under investigation for doing the same in a different case. Interestingly enough, both are running for the sheriff’s spot in the next election. Lesser of two evils anyone?

And finally, a Wheatland California police officer was arrested on public intoxication charges when he was found passed out after bar brawl that he was accused of starting. The officer claims that he was only acting in self-defense and that someone must have hit him from behind.

That's it for tuesdays cases of swine flu. Moral of the story, "quit acting like a pig and you won't be one."

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